We understand, it is not your priority!

  • We understand that your priority is simply to make more profit , not to save water.
  • We understand that it is not your priority to invest and spend more money in irrigation, and work harder just to save water.
  • We understand that you do not want to take any risk of irrigating less, in case it might reduce the yield. After all, It is not worth saving water and put your harvest and income in danger.

Just Imagine
how much you can increase your profit by saving water.

Just Think
how much you can improve your yield and crop quality in case you irrigate efficiently.

  • IES is here to help you "irrigate the right way", using the "right tools" while "training your people" to do the right thing, and we are here to help you "reduce the energy use".
No matter how big or small your irrigation needs are, the people at IES stand ready to work hand-in-hand with you to ensure our quality services provide the value you deserve.

What We Aim for.

Our aim is to increase your profit

to reduce the water consumption on your agricultural project

to reduce the bill that you pay for energy, to pump and irrigate your crop

Our aim is to increase your irrigation efficiency

to improve your work with a practical way that you can easily handle.

We find solutions that suits your farming needs and that you are able to execute technically, financially and managerially.

Our solutions are "custom made", unique for each project

We do consultation, design, procurements/ supply / supervision/ implementation /training / technical support

We can structure training program for your staff, in order to improve their performance and to teach them how to use what they have and how to improve its use.